Our Facilities.
The nursery is situated on the first floor of the Life Church building, it has a secure and controlled entry system with CCTV on all entrances and exits, this is controlled by the reception team and the Nursery Managers
Inside Play & Learning Areas
The nursery has been designed to meet the needs of babies and young children and consists of three spacious home-base rooms, complemented by small cosy areas where children feel safe and secure.
The indoor environment encourages children to freely access equipment and learning opportunities in the different areas provided. This not only gives each child opportunities to choose but supports the development of their decision-making skills and facilitates independent learning, encouraging them to be active learners and develop their specific interests.
We provide a variety of age-appropriate equipment and resources; these are available to stimulate play and learning opportunities for children that incorporate the seven areas of learning of the EYFS.

Outside Play & Learning Areas
All children access the outside play areas regularly throughout the day; we do encourage children to go out in all weathers, so please can you provide appropriate clothing.
Our outside area is an extension of our indoor classrooms providing lots of stimulating play opportunities within the seven areas of learning, children are encouraged to risk-take in a safe yet challenging environment.
In addition to our main nursery garden, we have an outside balcony area where our pre-school children can enjoy planting and watching vegetables and flowers grow.

Sensory Room
This valuable facility provides an opportunity for children in small groups, to relax in a stimulating environment which is fun, calming and supports the development of visual, hearing and touch senses.

Sleep Room
Our separate sleep area, allows our babies and younger children to rest peacefully away from the main stimulating play environment, this is a calm tranquil space that can be accessed to meet the individual needs of the babies sleep/rest requirements.

Healthy Eating
At nursery, mealtimes are relaxed occasions and a chance for the children and team to sit and talk together. This not only promotes children’s communication and language, but it enables them to focus on topics of conversation rather than just their food. Older children are encouraged to help get tables ready for mealtimes passing out the appropriate numbers or plates, cups, etc.
Menus are designed for the children to have a healthy balanced diet that follows alongside the nutritional guidelines for early years. We also provide an under one’s menu to support with babies weaning, this is discussed and agreed with each parent and carer.
Having the luxury of a cook on site our food is prepared fresh each day; this enables us to meet all children’s individual dietary requirements and family preferences. Drinking water is accessible throughout the nursery day. The menu is displayed in each nursery room, but a copy can be provided on request.